A Fisherman's Bend is used to attach a line to a pole. It is sometimes called an anchor knot because it is also used to secure the rode to an anchor. ...
This knot is used to make a pair of fixed loops in the middle or at the end of a line. This is a strong knot and can be used in overboard rescue, as a towing bridle and in a pinch, even to make a boa ...
A carrick bend is also called a "sailor's knot" and can be used for tying two heavy lines ( i.e. towing hawsers and cables ) together. ...
All-American Skeet Champion Todd Bender explains how the game of skeet shooting is played and some of the terms used in enjoying this fun sport. ...
In this American Taxidermy video we learn how to clean animal skulls. He is using borax, bleach, detergent, scrub brushes and a strong stomach as this smells awful. He uses a deer head with antlers, c ...
To mount a turkey tail you need borax, pins, hair dryer, pairing knife, cardboard and detergent. You must clean the turkey tail and then mount it. ...
This video is fantastic and very detailed on how to mount deer antlers. He carves the antlers off a deer head, then boils them to remove the meat, finally he mounts them on a piece of wood. For this p ...