In this video, we learn how to make the best skateboard wax. First, take an empty soda bottle and cut it in half. Next, fill the bottom third of the can with vegetable oil. Next, add in some butter in ...
The Rapala knot is a common fishing knot that is intended to be tied directly to the lure. It was conceived by the Rapala Brothers, who emphasized that if a swivel or leader is essential, choose the l ...
Buffing a snowboard usually occurs after it's been waxed and scraped properly. This is usually the final step for a snowboard and really helps with the overall cosmetic look of the board. Buffing it f ...
If you've never owned a snowboard before, this next tutorial is very useful to help ensure that it will last a long time. In this tutorial, you'll find out how to properly store your snowboard during ...
If you're the new owner of a snowboard or plan on purchasing one, an important part of maintaining it is by waxing. Waxing a snowboard is one of the easiest things that anybody can do in order to incr ...
The tires on a bike are very important when it comes to it working properly. No tires, then there's no chance of you being able to move. In this three part tutorial, you'll find out some helpful infor ...
Performing regular maintenance on your bike is something that should be done to help extend the life. Not doing so can result in pieces working improperly, falling off, or lead to injury. For this vid ...
One of the big responsibilities when owning a car, bike, or anything is making sure that it is taken well care of. Bicycle's, just like cars, need their parts to be well taken care of using the right ...
One of the most important pieces of a mountain bike, or any bike for that matter, is the bicycle chain. Without the chain, you can't move your bike and that's a problem. In this tutorial, you'll find ...
If you've never performed any maintenance on your bike, it may be long overdue. This not only will help with the life of your bike, but prevent any injury from occuring. In this video, you will find o ...